Our policies.
Quality Policy
PE Consulting Engineers is committed to achieving total customer satisfaction by striving to ensure that products and services are, without exception, delivered on time and defect-free.
This commitment is achieved by:
The application of a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001:2015;
A commitment to employee involvement, empowerment, and training;
Establishing strong relationships with clients with the aim of improving services provided;
Establishing meaningful quality objectives and then ensuring that these are communicated and adopted by all employees;
Ensuring that the management of the Company regularly reviews its quality objectives and processes to ensure that a culture of continuous improvement is applied and adopted;
An annual review of the quality policy and the quality component of the Integrated Management System to ensure its continuing relevance and on-going effectiveness.
Work, Health and Safety Policy
The Health and Safety of those who work either directly or indirectly for PE Consulting Engineers is of the utmost importance to Senior Management and it is our ultimate goal to continually improve Work, Health and Safety (WHS) performance within the business.
In order to achieve this, management are committed to:
Identifying any hazards in the workplace that may be a risk to health and safety and eliminating or controlling those hazards;
Communicating this policy to all existing employees and to new employees when they commence with the organisation;
Complying with all WHS legislation and other requirements which are relevant to the organisation;
Making our commitment to Health and Safety visible to all interested parties;
Setting measurable objectives and targets which will be monitored to ensure continual improvement;
The WHS Policy and the effectiveness of the WHS comment of the Integrated Management System will be reviewed at least annually;
Maintaining a Management System which meets the requirements of AS/NZS 4801:2001.
Environmental Policy
PE Consulting Engineers is a professional and environmentally conscious organisation which acknowledges the impact that our operations may potentially have on the environment.
The organisation fully commits to:
Protect the environment;
Determine compliance obligations and ensure operations are completed in accordance with them;
Continually improve the environmental management system to enhance environmental performance;
Implement and maintain an environmental management system that is in compliance with ISO 14001: 2015;
Prevent pollution, reduce waste and ensure that, wherever practical, measures are implemented to protect and preserve natural habitats, flora and fauna;
Take action to eliminate or reduce, as far as practicable, any potentially adverse environmental impacts;
Promote environmental awareness amongst our suppliers, contractors and partners by the implementation of operational procedures;
Ensure that directors and management are fully engaged in the management of environmental issues;
Assess and, where practicable to do so, reduce the environmental impact of the company’s products and services;
An annual review of the Environmental Policy and the quality component of the Integrated Management System to ensure its continuing relevance and on-going effectiveness